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1. su porankiais 170 Lt
2. be porankių 150 lt
X Rocker II Gaming Chair Special Edition.
Multi-media gaming chair The X Rocker II special edition gaming chair provides the ultimate multimedia experience whether it is listening to music on your ipod/mp3 player, watching TV or playing video games. It is compatible with all major games consoles and comes with a 2.1 sound system that provides excellent vibratory audio quality. This gaming chair comes with flip arms providing maximum comfort during use, which can be flipped out of the way for more intense gaming. It is easily storable and an essential for any gadget filled room. X Rocker game and multimedia chair with 2.1 sound system - amp, stereo speakers and powered subwoofer. Bring the game to life with close up vibratory audio in comfortable active rocker, perfect for games, home theatre and music. Compatible with all major games platforms including handhelds, DVD, satellite box, TV, CD, MP3/iPod. Can be linked (up to eight) for multi-player and shared entertainment experience. Flip arms can be flipped out of the way for active games. Folds conveniently for storage and transport. Connectors for common sound sources included. Compatible with PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles in standard definition mode only (A/V connections, not HDMI). Size H81, W94, D54.5cm.
Vardas: J
Miestas: Kaunas
E-mail: eedomu@gmail.com
Tel: 861791460
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