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Siūlau Klarnetas Bb
Klarnetas - Alberto sistema, 14 klavišų. Bb
Specification and Measurement :
The Brand New Albert System BbClarinet is made of good quality brass keys and Ebonite body and well finished . This Standard Bb Clarinet has been the most popular instrument in bands. Its plays wonderfully and easily with beautiful tone and intonation.
Ideal for students and beginners and intermediate players. A hard case and mouthpiece are included.
LENGTH: 25,5 inches.
DIAMETER DE BELL: 2,75 inches.
Surenkama dvivietė baidarė NERIS 2 Surenkama dvivietė baidarė NERIS 2 Pulo Stalas Pulo Stalas Dvivietė baidarė Vista Dvivietė baidarė Vista Žvejybinė baidarė SIERRA ANGLER Žvejybinė baidarė SIERRA ANGLER Bento dėžutė "Airtight" Bento dėžutė "Airtight"
Vardas: Saulius
Miestas: Šiauliai
E-mail: citanod@gmail.com
Tel: 860366922
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