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Siūlau ValveKing 212 Combo
Kaina: 1700Lt
Duomenys: 100watts (rms) into 16, 8, or 4 ohms (switchable)
Four 6L6GC and three 12AX7 tubes
Two independent footswitchable channels
Separate EQ for each chanel
Footswitchable gain/volume boost on lead channel
Dual paralleled speaker jacks
Two 12 inch ValveKing speakers
Reverb with level control
Buffered effects loop
Resonance and presence controls
Patented Texture variable Class A simulation control
Footswitch not included
Weight Packed: 74.00 lb (33.566 kg)
Width Packed: 15.5
Depth Packed: 31.12
Height Packed: 25.75
Vardas: Janina
Miestas: Nesvarbu
E-mail: rasak9@gmail.com
Tel: +37061861454
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