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We are looking to start a program for C

We are looking to start a program for Cyprus and we are wondering if anyone has candidates interested in working and travelling around CYPRUS.   Below is a general idea of taking up positions in Cyprus:   -Vacancies will generally be in Hotels, Restaurants and Bars -Requirements would be a communicative level of English, some experience in the hospitality trade. -The financial rewards are in the range of 700 - 1,200 Euros per month and they usually pay monthly. -Accommodation and plane ticket is always usually provided (with meals) free of charge either on site or nearby by Employer. -The number of working hours a week is a minimum of 50 hrs.PLEASR SEND YOUR CV's ASAP

Vardas: Andreas Antoniou Working Servi
Miestas: Cyrus, Paralimni
Tel: 0035799605132

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