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Siūlau Two-3546men Construction Painters-finishers lookin
Two-35,46.men Construction. Painters-finishers looking for job.EU
Painters, finishers working already 17 years.
Looking for work abroad, in countries such as Norway, Denmark, Sweden.
We are a friendly, responsible, honest and absence of alcohol.
We are working on these tasks:
1st. Painting.
2nd. Wallpapering.
3rd. Drywall installation.
4th. Laying laminate flooring.
And other construction works.
English good, have car, can arrive in the place as we soon the agreement job questions.
My contacts:
Lithuania ,city Kaunas.
Telephone number: 37060451993.37064773957.
Name: Mindaugas
E-mail:Mindaugasm101 gmail.com
E-mail:Mindaugasconstruction gmail.com
Web Site: www.m-apdaila.lt www.Mindaugas-Construction.com
Skype:Mindaugas-statyba.. Kaina: 10Lt
(paskelbta is www.zr.lt)
Vardas: Mindaugas
Miestas: Kaunas
E-mail: Mindaugasm101@gmail.com
Tel: 860451993
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