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Siūlau Siūlomas darbas kompiuterių mokslininkui Norvegijo
Siūlomas darbas kompiuterių mokslininkui Norvegijoje.
Reikalavimai ir darbo apibūdinimas anglų k.:
Your role:
-Maximize availability and performance for our in-house Linux/cluster applications by collaborating tightly with our software development team in St. Petersburg.
-Take part in development and implementation of new technology.
-Establish, implement and verify version control procedures
-Create and implement baseline results for existing and new features/functions
-Maintain integrity and security for our in-house applications
-Educational requirement: B.Sc. / M.Sc. or equivalent
-Experience with software development / management
-Basic programming and scripting skills (e.g. python / Matlab / shell scripting)
-Service minded and conscientious
-Ability to deliver high quality work on tight deadlines within budget contraints
-Good English communication skills (written and oral)
-Familiarity with Linux/cluster administration and experience with simulation algorithms is beneficial
We offer:
-A challenging position in a fast growing E&P company
-Varied work tasks in a creative and positive environment
-A competitive compensation package
Darbdavys: Rocksource
Darbo vietovė: Bergenas
Kontaktai: w w w . z a r s . l t
Vardas: Zars
Miestas: Nesvarbu
Tel: 867681314
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