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Highly Qualified Security Chauffeur Required

A vacancy is available for a proper, highly qualified chauffeur or driving instructor to work alongside our private sector security team in London. The applicant must have proven experience of at least 5 years chauffeuring/Driving different sized vehicles. Please note we will not accept applications from a person who can do a driving job. As you know, a lot of people can drive but we are looking for a top professional, skilled driver/chauffeur not a racing driver or delivery driver. This job is only for a HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL AND QUALIFIED SECURITY CHAUFFEUR. Requirements: - Fit and physically strong - Excellent eye-sight and health condition - Military background preferably - Preferably minimum height of 190cm - Stable and steady character with good background - Mechanical knowledge - Willing to work for a minimum of one year - Willing to take full care of a vehicle, including washing/cleaning inside/outside as instructed - Must be able to speak at least basic English Please send your applications to Eric at . Only selected candidates will be contacted for an immediate interview.

Vardas: EuroInternationalSecurityLTD
Miestas: Nesvarbu
Tel: 00447551237437

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