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Siūlau Egg grading and packaging UK Leicester
Egg grading and packaging (UK, Leicester)
We offer: a long term work (at least 6 month). Job description: egg packaging and sorting, maintaining clean working area. Salary: 6,19 GBP per hour, wages are paid weekly. The residence is ensured (2 people share a room), residential rental: 65,50 GBP per week.
Requirements: good English is not required.
HANSA SIA Tel.371 28440127
E-mail: riga@hansalink.eu
Aspazijas bulv.32, Riga www.hansalink.info
Lic.nr 2/2010: LR LM NVA 16/02/2010
Miestas: Nesvarbu
E-mail: cv@hansalink.eu
Tel: +371 28440127
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