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Siūlau During the Men finishers looking Working overseas
During the Men finishers looking Working. overseas
34-32 Two men training in the construction finishing work as a painting,
WALLPAPERING different wallpaper, laminate floor installation, installation of cardboard,
And other similar darbai.works perform well and responsible.Works experience quite substantial.
We are serious, who are not afraid of workpeople .
I wait different proposals for the construction finishes.
Work abroad. 1. COUNTRY :Lithuania 2.Email: Deividasxx33 gmail.com
3.Telefonas: 37060909301
4.Skype: Deividasxx33
5.City: Kaunas.
(paskelbta is www.xv.lt)
Vardas: Deividas
Miestas: Užsienis
E-mail: Deividasxx33@gmail.com
Tel: +37060909301
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