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Siūlau Summerjob in Italy
WINTOUR NL is looking for all-round entertainers, team-leaders, sport tournament organizers, fitness instructors, mini-club assistants, choreographers/dancers to work in quality resorts in Italy.
Requirements: knowledge of English and predisposition to socialize. Minimum availability required: 2 consecutive months between the period 01.04.2014 and 30.09.2014. Obligatory Training-period in region of Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Minimum age required: 18 years.
We offer: a salary between 500 and 1.400 netto P/M, meals accommodation and travel reimbursement. Apply now! Register yourself through our website: www.wintour.nl work with us Human Resource Department or send your English CV full size photo to info@wintour.nl.
Castings will be held throughout the whole of Europe!
More information? www.wintour.nl - www.facebook.com/wintournl - info@wintour.nl. CALL US: Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 17:00 oclock: 0031.(0)40.8436572, 0031.(0)6.16210883
Vardas: MrAndreaCocomazzi
Miestas: Itdoesnotmatter
E-mail: info@wintour.nl
Tel: 0031616210883
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