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Siūlau Hostess Job on Italian Seaside
We are major European Agency in Hostess Management looking for Womens 18-33 Year to employ as Hostess and Dancers all over Europe and in particular for Italy.
Legal and Contract based Job.Accommodation and Agency Services without Charge
Daily Salary from 65-95 for Hostess and till 120 for Dancers. No sex, No erotic, just Entertainment.
Not less important to meet a lot of very attractive and famous People.
More Seaside Locations available too, where Candidates can enjoy nice Holidays without any Charge and earn interesting Money in the same Time.
Application for Summer Time, for 1 Month or 2, are already welcomed right now.
For more Info please visit our Start Page at:
There You can find the Link to the Application Form:
Please choose first Your Language, fulfill it and upload some reasent Picture of Face and Figure.
As soon as we receive our Casting Team will take Your Application in Consideration.You will be informed not later than in 2 days about the result and if approved how much You will be paid exactly.
Vardas: ItalyforGirls
Miestas: Vilnius
E-mail: info@jobs-for-girls.co.uk
Tel: 3297008621
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