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Nurse for Belgium and Germany

Nurse (job in Belgium and Germany) who is going to change your future life and gives possibilities of career! If you are a positive personality and afraid not of an intensive and responsible job, then it occasions you! Description of post: - Daily job in the houses of care and of private hospitals in Belgium or Germany The candidates have to have: - Secondary professional, baccalaureate speciality nurse degree. - Not compulsory but desired experience - Knowledge of English and German. - Will to learn the Flemish language. - The possibility of a long-term contract of employment lasted indeterminate. We give you: - An exceptional experience professional job. - Great work and living conditions. - Very good wage insurance. - Courts of Flemish language offered. - Insurance. - To complete successfully the qualification procedure of the nurses abroad. - Have all formalities before going to Belgium and Germany (subcontract, etc.) - Find an accommodation. - The annual paid leaves. Wage: - The monthly rate 2340 / Bruto 1,590 / dead (bonuses for shift work and weekends) - Raw annual premium: 1500 Comments: Please send your CV and covering letter in German or in English in called e-mail "nurse to work in Belgium and Germany.

Vardas: werner
Miestas: Klaipėda
Tel: 004944711768933

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