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Siūlau Those who think to learn English in Lithuanian:
Those who think to learn English in Lithuanian: will Never learn English !! If you can read this
why not improve your English with PRIVATE / PERSONAL / INDIVIDUAL (not a group/class) instruction: from an English-language (native-speaker) professional journalist -- who has a Masters degree in Education and a Doctorate degree in applied English ?? Vilnius/Sauletekis area. Two meetings per week (3 hours) 100Lt; or one meeting (5 hours) 175Lt; discounts for students. Laptop/notebook computer REQUIRED. NO textbook(s); NO homework/preparation; NO tests/exams; NO long-term contract required. Send e-mail for complete details. English.Lithuania@gmail.com
Vardas: Ken
Miestas: Vilnius
Tel: +37060359513
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