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Siūlau For sale 6 Electric tools car battery loader
Al not older then 10 month.
In 1 buy 550 litas. Also possible to buy separated.
type brand info age
drill , normal and drill hammer Bisy 500 what 220 volt 10 month
Hand circle Shaw kinpow 1200 what 220 volt 10 month
Wood planning machine kinpow 710 what 220 volt 10 month
decupeer, jig shaw black and decker 400 what, 220 volt 0.70 mm 10 month
decupeer, ijg saw shaw horse 1000 what 220 volt 0.50 mm 10 month
battery drill kinpow 14.4 volt 10 month
battery screw driver bosh 2.4 volt 10 month
car battery loader Deca class 12 and 24 volt 16 ampere 10 moth
all in one buy 550 litas. also possible buy separated.
We only speak English.
T 37060847031
Vardas: Thomas
Miestas: Kaunas
Tel: +37060847031
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