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Ieškau Canon - EOS Rebel T2i 550D
Canon - EOS Rebel T2i (550D)
Product Description
The Evolution Continues.
The new flagship of the EOS Rebel line, Canon EOS Rebel T2i brings professional EOS features into an easy to use, lightweight digital SLR thats a joy to use. Featuring a class-leading 18.0 Megapixel CMOS Image Sensor and increased light sensitivity for low light photography, the EOS Rebel T2i also has an advanced HD Movie mode for gorgeous Full HD movies. Able to capture up to 3.7 frames per second, its ready to go the minute its picked up. Advanced Live View, a new wide-area screen, plus features like Canons brilliant Auto Lighting Optimizer and Highlight Tone features ensure brilliant photos and movies, easily. With some of the most advanced features of any digital SLR, its simply the best Rebel Canon has ever created.
Vardas: Franklincambell
Miestas: Kaunas
E-mail: salesbrokers@blumail.org
Tel: 3477388933
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