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Siūlau Toyota Highlander 2011 blue color Full option
Toyota High lander 2011 Blue colour,Gone 54,889KM forsale
100 good in all functions and more like a new car. Lady s drive and have not been painted before,
Accident free , fully automatic.
Contact me only if you are very serious and ready to buy my car so we can discuss.
Farah Huma is my name.
you can also write Email to me so we can discuss more .
( farah huma5 hotmail.com )
Or you can call me :64782021. Kaina: 10387 Lt
Daugiau informacijos http://www.mototurgus.lt?p1064852
Vardas: 100skelbimu
Miestas: Vilnius
E-mail: 100skelbimu@gmail.com
Tel: 999999
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