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Siūlau Sell Playstation 3 80GB Xbox 360 Platinum 120GB Ni
Current GAMES in Stock:
Xbox 360 Platinum Bundle Console 150 usd
Intec G8600 Xbox 360 9.2 TFT Screen 120 usd
GARMIN 396 180 usd
playstation 3 (80 Gb) 200 usd
Sony PSP Value Pack 105 usd
Nintendo WII 150 usd
We Offer Brand New Games 5 free cd games.
Products Warranty: 1 year Guarantee
Return policy: 3 months
Delivery: FedEx / DHL / UPS
Delivery time : 2-4 days
Free Shipping to your home address
Special Bonus Offer : Buy 5 units and get 1 free units (Sales Promo)
Interested buyers should send us email for further details.
MSN : lebcomltd@hotmail.com
Vardas: AhmedZabatan
Miestas: Nesvarbu
E-mail: lebcom_ltd@yahoo.com
Tel: +44-7035968580
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