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FOR SALEKorg M3 M Workstation Sampler MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE KEYBOARDS: Korg M3 M Workstation / Sampler:: 1100 EUR Pa2XPro Korg 76-key arranger keyboard: 1500EUR Workstation Korg TR61 61-key: 780EUR Korg M3 73 Workstation 73-key / Sampler:: 820EUR Korg M3 61 Workstation 61-key:: 900 euros Korg PA50 Arranger Workstation: 800EUR Korg X50 Synthesizer:: 700 euros Arrang PRO KORG Pa800: 650EUR Workstation Korg TR88 88-key:: 850 euros KORG TRITON TR61: 890 euros Arrangements Korg Pa500 61-key keyboard::: 820UR Organ Korg CX3 Digital Drawbar: 740 EUR Korg RADIAS Synthesizer:: 640 euros Korg OASYS 88 Workstation 88 key: 2100EUR Korg NC-300 88-key:: 750 euros Korg TR-76 76-Key Keyboard: 700 euros Korg M3 88 Workstation 88-key:: 850 euros SELMER Saxophone: Selmer (Paris) Professional Tenor Saxophone 54S: 1500EUR Selmer (Paris) Professional Tenor Saxophone 64P: 1100EUR Selmer Baritone Saxophone::: 1200EUR Selmer Paris Model 74 54 Tenor Saxophone Reference 1200EUR Selmer Paris 72 Reference 54 Alto Sax:: 1000EUR Selmer Paris Super Action 80 Model 52 Series II Alto Sax: 720EUR Selmer (Paris) Soprano Saxophone 51S:: 1100EUR The Selmer "La Voix Tenor Saxophone TS220S: 890EUR Selmer (Paris) Flamingo Limited Reference Tenor Saxophone1200EUR Selmer (Paris) Reference 54 Alto Saxophone:::: 850EUR Selmer (Paris) Professional Tenor Saxophone 54M: 1,200 EUR Selmer (Paris) Soprano Saxophone 51NG: 1000 EUR Selmer La Voix Soprano Saxophone (Standard) 780EUR Selmer La Voix Tenor Saxophone: 890EUR Selmer Paris Series III 53 Soprano Saxophone: 900EUR Selmer (Paris) 53 A soprano saxophone: 1200EUR Selmer Professional Baritone Saxophone 55AFB: 1400EUR Selmer Paris 51BL Black Soprano Saxophone::: 800EUR La Vie Tenor Saxophone Selmer - TS250: 800EUR Selmer (Paris) Kookaburra Collector Series Tenor Saxophone:: 1200 euros YAMAHA MOTIF: Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Synthesizer::: 2,000 Yamaha MOTIF XS6 Synthesizer 61 keys:: 1,350 euros Yamaha Motif ES Rack: 990 euros Yamaha Motif workstation XS7 76-key:: 1,350 euros Yamaha PSR-S900 working arrangements 61-key::: 1000 euros Drumset: Mapex Pro M 7-Piece Fusion Pop::: 700 euros Ludwig Classic Maple 4-Piece Drum: 800 euros Mapex Saturn 6 Piece Studio Electric Blue Battery: 850EUR Ludwig Fab 4 Accent 4 Piece Drum Set:: 850 euros Mapex M Birch Studio 6-Piece Studio Drum Set:: 900 euros Pacific LXE Series 5-Piece Tiger Ash Red Finish Drum Set w / Black Hardware::: 900 euros Tama Superstar 7-Piece Double Bass:: 950 euros Roland TD-20S V-Pro Drum Set:: EUR 1.440 Roland TD-12S V-Stage Drum Set:: 1,000 euros Roland TD-9SX V-Tour Drum Set::: 1100EUR Roland TD-6SW V-Tour Drum Set::: 900 euros Roland TD-3SW V-Compact Drum Set::: 950 euros DIGITAL PIANO: Roland Fantom-G-6 61-key sampling workstation synthesizer::: 1000EUR Roland G-70 Arranger Keyboard 76-key: 1200EUR Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer / Sampler:: 1100EUR Rack Roland V-Synth XT / table synthesizer::: 980EUR Roland FP-7 Digital Piano 88 Key Stage: 890EUR Roland VP-550 Vocal-modeling Keyboard: 760EUR Roland FP-4 digital piano with 88 keys:::: 790EUR Keyboard Roland EXR-46 or arranger: 650 euros Roland Fantom-G-8 88-key sampling workstation synthesizer:::: 1200EUR Roland Fantom-G-7 76-key sampling workstation synthesizer::: 1100EUR Roland Fantom-XR 128 voice expandable synthesizer::: 800 euros Roland VK-8M Desktop Virtual Tone Wheel Organ Module::: 700EUR Roland Fantom-XR 128 voice expandable synthesizer::: 800 euros Roland FP-7C 88-key digital piano with stand:: 900EUR Roland RP-101 88-key digital piano: 800:: EUR Roland MP-70 88-note Hammer Action Digital Piano::: 950EUR Roland VK-8 61-Key Modeling: 810EUR Roland RD-300GX Digital Stage Piano 88-key::: 950EUR Roland FP-4C 88-key digital piano with stand::: 2000EUR Roland RD-700SX 88-Key Expandable Digital Piano::: 1000 EUR PIONEER CDJ PRODUCTS:: 2x PIONEER CDJ-1000MK3 1x DJM-800 MIXERDJPACKAGE: 800EUR Pioneer CDJ-1000 CD Player: 600EUR Pioneer CMX-3000 Twin CD Player:: 550EUR Pioneer CDJ-800 CD Player: 700EUR Pioneer CDJ-1000MK2: 650EUR Pioneer CDJ-800MK2:: 620EUR Pioneer CDJ-1000MK2: 480EUR Pioneer CDJ-1000MK3:: 850 Pioneer CDJ-500 CD-Player:: 500EUR Pioneer DJM-1000:: 600EUR Pioneer DJM-800:: 800EUR Pioneer DJM-600 Mixer:: 600EUR Pioneer DJM-3000 19 "Mixer:: 600 Pioneer DJM-600-S Mixer:: 550EUR Pioneer DJM-909 Battle Mixer: 550EUR Technics SL-1200MK2: 600EUR Technics SL-DZ 1200:: 700EUR Technics SL-1210M5G Pro Turntable:: 600EUR Technics SL-1210MK5 Pro Turntable :::::: 640EUR Technical SH-MZ1200 4 Channel DJ Mixer:: 500EUR Denon DN-D4500 Pro DJ Dual CD/MP3 Player:: 550EUR DIGITAL MIXERS: DM1000V2 YAMAHA Digital Mixing Console::: 2000EUR O2R96V2 Yamaha Digital Mixer:::: 3000EUR Yamaha PM4000 Console Digital Mixer: 4900EUR DM2000V2-CONSOLE YAMAHA DIGITAL:::: 6000EUR Yamaha M7CL-48 48Ch Digital Mixing Console:::: 10,000 EUR Yamaha 01V96 V2 Digital Mixer:::: 1000 EUR YAMAHA PM5D Version 2 Live Sound Console Digital Mixer:: 18 000 Yamaha PM4000 Console Digital Mixer: 4900EUR DM2000V2-CONSOLE YAMAHA DIGITAL:::: 6000EUR Yamaha M7CL-48 48Ch Digital Mixing Console:::: 10,000 EUR Yamaha N12 12-Channel Digital Mixer: 1500EUR Yamaha N8 8 Channel Digital Mixer:::: 1,800 euros Saxophone YAMAHA: Yamaha Tenor Saxophone YTS475 :::::: 1000EUR YAS82Z Yamaha Custom Alto Saxophone:::: 980 EUR Yamaha Alto Saxophone YAS475:: 2500 EUR Custom Yamaha Tenor Saxophone YTS-875EX:::: 2000 euros Yamaha YSS-875EX Soprano Saxophone::: 1200 euros Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone:::: 1050EUR Yamaha YAS-875EX Alto Saxophone:::: 1500EUR Yamaha YSS-875EX Soprano Saxophone:::: 1100 EUR Yamaha soprano saxophone YSS675: 990 EUR Custom Yamaha Tenor Saxophone YTS-875EX::: 1000 EUR Yamaha Custom Alto Saxophone YAS875EXB: 750EUR Yamaha Intermediate Soprano Saxophone YSS475II: EUR 8.900 Yamaha Professional Alto Saxophone YAS62II::: 1000 EUR Yamaha YST-62 Mark II Professional Tenor Sax:: 740EUR Yamaha Professional Saxophone YTS62IIS: 890 euros Yamaha Custom Z Alto Saxophone YAS82ZS::: 900 euros STUDIO MONITOR: ADAM Audio S3A Studio Monitor:::: 900EUR ADAM Audio P22A Studio Monitor: 990EUR ADAM Audio P33A Studio Monitor::: 1140EUR ADAM Audio Sub10 MK2 Studio Monitor::: 1550EUR ADAM Audio S2A Studio Monitor::: 1560EUR ADAM Audio S2: 5A Studio Monitor:::: 1950EUR ADAM Audio System Monitor Studio 10.1:: 2000EUR ADAM Audio S4VA MK2 Studio Monitor: 1900EUR ADAM Audio Sub24 Studio Monitor: EUR 1.850 JBL LSR4328P Pak Studio Monitor::: 3550EUR Pak Studio Monitor JBL LSR4326P: 3000EUR JBL Studio Monitor LSR4312SP: 1500EUR LSR6328P Package JBL Studio Monitor::: 1900EUR JBL LSR6325P / 5:: 1 Studio Monitor::: 1500 euros JBL LSR6332 Studio Monitor::: 2050EUR LSR6312SP JBL Studio Monitor::: 2000EUR LSR6328P JBL Studio Monitor::: 2200 euros Analog Way Video Routers and Switchers CTX-8022 Centrix 8x2 Mixer::: 2000 euros Analog Way Video Routers and Switchers EVX-8022HD EventiX mixer 8x2::: 2500 EUR Audio Developments AD144 Studio 12 and the remote input mixer::: 6500EUR Genelec Active Monitors 1036A 3100W Three-Way Active Main Control:::: 15,000 Analog Way Video Routers and Switchers DVX-8022-Di VentiX 8x2 mixer::: 4500EUR Audio Developments AD144 Studio 14 and the remote input mixer::: 8,000 euros How to order:: You must tell us vividly the Units you wish to order, the item you want to order and your full shipping address including your contact number. Sales Manager: suggests Place your order today and have a taste of our services. If you are interested please reply Us via mail. All buyers should contact us via e-mail listed below for purchase inquiry: Email::

Vardas: DawnAddison
Miestas: Švenčionys
Tel: 447024088790

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