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Siūlau Gps navigacija p ipaq pda rx1950 - 1999litu
Navigacija Tomtom su ideklu prie lango ir cigareciu kistuku HP iPAQ PDA rx
1950 rx1950 Pocket PC Perfect Condition
Product Description
Enjoy music, videos, and Internet applications on the go, with control at
your fingertips! Powered by the Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC
operating system, the iPAQ rx1950offers big functionality and modern
design for a reasonable price.
HP rx1955 with included stylus
3.5" TFT display with 64,000 colors
( http://www.rl.lt/rlskelb - programa skelbimams internete skelbti )
Vardas: Darius
Miestas: Panevėžys
E-mail: dakas5@yahoo.com
Tel: 860022851
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