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Siūlau antiradaras Cobra Esd 9190 289 litai
antiradaras Cobra Esd 9190
foto: http://www.skelbiu.lt/5628182.html
x, k, ka bangų ir lazerio detekcija
automatinis pritildymas
greitkelio 3 miesto jautrumo režimai
galimybė išjungti nereikalingų bangų detekciją
360 laipsniu iesko bangas
3 ekrano ryškumo pasirinkimai
galimybė susilpninti k bangų jautrumą miesto režime
detects X, K, Super Wideband Ka (33.4-36.0 Ghz) Radar, Laser, Vg-2, and Safety Signals
lasereye 360-degree Laser Detection
8 Separate Audio Alerts for X/k/super Wideband Ka Radar, Laser, Vg-2 and Safety Systems
vg-2 undetectable
mute button with Auto Mute Function
city/highway Modes
exclusive Smart Mute Reduces False Alerts
ultrabright Display with Digital Signal Strength Meter and 4 Separate Visual Alerts
the 9000 Series from Cobra is the worlds first line of 10-band radar/laser detectors. With detection of 4 types of radar signals, 4 laser signals, and 2 safety systems, these detectors are designed to maximize your driving awareness and minimize your risk of accidents and traffic violations. All Cobra detectors feature the Vg-2 Alert System for complete police undetectability, and the Safety Alert System to alert you to road construction vehicles, emergency vehicles, and other potentially hazardous vehicles equipped with Safety Alert transmitters. It goes even further by alerting you to new Strobe Alert emergency vehicles, and providing front and rear protection from the latest Ultralyte, Lti 20-20, and Prolaser Iii laser guns.
( http://www.rl.lt/rlskelb - programa skelbimams internete skelbti )
Vardas: Darius
Miestas: Panevėžys
E-mail: dakas5@yahoo.com
Tel: 860022851
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