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Siūlau Electrical heating mixing tankReactors Price from
Description: tank equipment designed for mixing different kinds of liquids, product, dry additions dissolve and another parts for physicochemical reaction and other technological process.
Used for solutions dispergating, emulsionizing, homogenizing, dissolving in industrial or laboratory.
On customer request the volume of tank is can be from 50 to 2000L. Possibility of installation various types of mixers. Tank is jacketed (to 908304C).
Industries: industrial chemistry, household chemicals,
perfumes and cosmetic, pharmacy.
That our customers receive when buying equipment:
61692 more than 20 years in production filling equipment industry
61692 organization of delivery equipment
61692 warranty to 18 month
61692 Exclusive service
61692 commissioning work for free
61692 individual approach to each customer
Company Stanco-grup
18000 Str. Chehova 104
Sity Cherkassy,
Country Ukraine
Phone: 38 (0472) 56 40 - 50
Mail: info@stanco.com.ua
Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCKhKy8NDVjeE6utrzMC8uWg
Vardas: StancoGroup
Miestas: Nesvarbu
E-mail: Info@stanco.com.ua
Tel: +380472564050
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