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cobra XRS 757 radaro detektorius

BRAND NEW COBRA XRS-757 12 BAND RADAR/LASER DETECTOR WITH VOICE! Features: 360 degrees Protection against all types of Laser, and Radar Detects latest lasers and rarars! X, K, Ka, and Super Wideband Ka Detection Safety Alert (copyrighted technology by the manufacturer) Strobe Alert (copyrighted technology by the manufacturer, NOTIFIES YOU OF EMERGENCY VEHICLES) VG-2 Undetectable VG-2 Alert Front/Rear Detection VG-2/VG-3 alert: VG-2 alert, VG-2 undetectable 12 bands Spectre I Undetectable Spectre I Alert Voice alerts Selectable tone alerts LED High tech display Instant-On (Pulse) Detection Keep alert to speed monitoring advanced detection technology one of the most advanced alert times possible LaserEye 360 detection Safety alert Ultra Performance extended detection range Detects POP mode radar gun New - detects ku band radar gun Strobe Alert warns of approaching emergency vehicles Detects POP Mode Select Between Voice or Tone Alerts Signal Strength Indicator Amazingly bright data display IntelliMute (copyrighted technology by the manufacturer) Auto and Manual Muting EasySet Programming Menu Stay Set Electronic Memory 3 Levels of City Mode plus Highway Mode Audio Jack Connectors Electronically remembers settings after it is turned off and on again Visual Only Mode Audio Only Mode Detects 6 Radar Signals, 4 Laser Signals and 2 Safety Systems Special technology reduces "False alarms" -- Reduces the frequency of non-speed sensing lasers and radars in densely populated urban areas Auto turn off power when ignition is turned off enhanced data display in easy to read full color Selectable color displau Provides easy to read digital text Detects Spectre Radar detects LTI 20-20 Laser Ultra Lyte Laser ProLaser ProLaser III LaserEye Digital Signal Strength Meter. Dim Mode DIMENSIONS - 2.74"w x 1.33"h x 4.35"d Kaina 200lt

Vardas: dėlkobros
Miestas: Vilnius
Tel: +37060197875

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