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Siūlau MB QUART PAB 4100 stiprintuvas 4x100 rms
//cgi.ebay.de/MB-Quart-PAB-4100-4-Kanal-Verstaerker-NEUW0QQitemZ300151956197QQihZ020QQcategoryZ21649QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItemRMS Power Range : 100-150 WattsNumber Of Channels: 4 Bu.lt In Crossovers: Yes Channel Separation: Yes RMS Power Range @ 4ohm: 4 x 100 RMS Power Range @ 2ohm: 4 x 150 Focused mass aluminium heat sink Premium-m.lt channel amplifier with pure Class A/B amplifier topology with PWM power supply and high speed MOSFET output devices for superior sound performance .lt a-flexible and variable adjustable active crossover network Vario bass equalizer circuit up to +18 dB 24 dB subsonic f.lt r Full range preamp outputs for easy daisy chaining of additional amplifiers MB QUART-Logo with illuminated red rectangle Remote bass level control MBQR-1 to control bass level included with all Premium amplifiers Wire concealing detachable end panels
Vardas: V
Miestas: Kaunas
E-mail: kase8@yahoo.com
Tel: 869988890
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