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Siūlau Antiradaras Radaro Detektorius Yupiteru MRV-66T 3
Gaudo visas greicio matuokliu imanomas bangas XKNew KKuKaLaser
Įprasta kaina lietuvoje apie 800Lt
Dėl iškilusių klausimų prašome rašyti artcila@gmail.com (paštas tikrinamas maziausiai kelis kartus perdiena ).
Kontaktai : 860494876
Skambinti 9:00-22:00
Kelių policijos naudojamų greičio matavimo prietaisų ypatumai
X banga: 10,510,55 GHz
X bangą lengviausia aptikti. Atsižvelgiant į teritoriją, temperatūrą ir drėgmę, X bangų radarai gali būti aptikti net už 25 km atstumo, o pareigūnai automobilio greitį gali matuoti esant ne toliau kaip už 300 m. Šiuo dažniu dirba greičio matuokliai "Barjer". Techniškai tai daug trūkumų turintys radarai, todėl policija juos naudoja vis rečiau, tačiau jų dar gali pasitaikyti, ypač vietovėse, esančiose atokiau nuo didžiųjų miestų.
K banga: 24,0524,25 GHz
Būtent K bangos dažniu dirba greičio matuokliai "Berkut". Kadangi tai impulsiniai radarai, jie gali būti naudojami tiek stovint, tiek judant. Atsižvelgiant į teritoriją (posūkis, kalnas...), radarų detektoriai K banga dirbančius radarus gali aptikti 13 km atstumu, jei tuo metu matuojamas kurio nors kito automobilio greitis. K bangos dažniais taip pat veikia stacionarūs greičio matuokliai Lietuvoje.
Detailed Functions:
PWR Switch
Turn on
BEEP/VOICE Select Button
You can change the alarm type between the electric sound alarm and the voice alarm.
AAC Button - Auto Alarm Control
This function detects the speed of the car by sensing the alternator noise to mute the alarm
during driving slowly or parking the car. The speed point to mute the alarm can be set
manually in addition to the preset point (3,000 65374 4,000 r.p.m.)
How to turn AAC ON
Press AAC button while AAC is OFF. While AAC is ON, Power LED will be lit in red or green.
How to turn AAC OFF
Press AAC button while AAC is ON. While AAC is OFF, Power LED will be lit in orange.
How to set the speed point to mute the alarm manually
(1) Stepping on the accelerator pedal lightly, press AAC button at the preferable r.p.m.
(rotation per minute) to mute the alarm.
(2) When the speed of the car exceeds the speed point set at above (1), the color of Power
LED will change from Red (no alarm) to Green (stand-by for alarm).
(3)To change the speed point to mute the alarm, press AAC button while Power LED is lit in
Red or Green.
CITY Button
This button is to change the level of sensitivity to detect the radar band.
City mode (lower sensitivity)
Sensitivity LED (((Y))) will be lit in red. This mode is suitable when driving the car in the
city area in rather low speed.
Highway mode (normal sensitivity)
Sensitivity Lamp (((Y))) will not be lit. This mode is suitable when driving the car in suburb
or on the highway in rather high speed.
T/Mute Button
This is to test the alarm sound or mute the alarm. Also this is used to adjust the volume of
the alarm sound.
On the lower right corner of the back mirror, there is the Indication Window. Looking at this
window, you can check the status of radar/laser signal reception, power, alarm and sensitivity
as follows.
XKNew KKuKaLaser Band Detection
1. X band
Alarm: Caught the radar signal 8594 intermittent alarm (pi..pi..pi, 5 sec.) 859412288
Voice alarm 8594 Continual alarm (pipipipi.)
Lamp: Lit in Red
2. K band
Alarm: Caught the radar signal 8594 intermittent alarm (bi..bi..bi, 5 sec.) 859412288
Voice alarm 8594 Continual alarm (bibibibi.)
Lamp: Lit in Yellow
3. Ku band
Alarm: Caught the radar signal 8594 intermittent alarm (kyui..kyui..kyui, 5 sec.) 859412288
Voice alarm 8594 Continual alarm (kyui,kyui,kyui.)
Lamp: Lit in Yellow with Green
4. Ka band
Alarm: Caught the radar signal 8594 intermittent alarm (kyolo..kyolo..kyolo, 5 sec.) 8594
Voice alarm 8594 Continual alarm (kyolo.kyolo.kyolo.)
Lamp: Lit in Green
5. Laser band
Alarm: intermittent alarm (piroro..piroro..piroro, 5 sec.) 859412288
Voice alarm 8594 Continual alarm (piroro,piroro,piroro.)
Lamp: Lit in Orange
Pilot Lamp
When MRV-66T is connected to the cigarette lighter socket, Pilot Lamp will be lit on.
Pilot Lamp also shows the status of AAC (Auto Alarm Control).
Alarm Lamp
When MRV-66T detects the radar signal, this lamp will be lit or blink in red.
Sensitivity Lamp
Sensitivity Lamp indicates the level of sensitivity (Highway mode/City mode).
Vardas: kitas
Miestas: Kaunas
E-mail: artcila@gmail.com
Tel: +370-(604)-94876
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